Sunday, February 21, 2010

How High Is Your Love?

The Murids Who Tested Their Love for Each Other

Our GrandSheikh (Q) said to me, there were two murids in his homeland who would sometimes meet and assault one another with words saying to each other all manner of things. Then they would look to each other's heart to see if there came any effect from the cursing, but no change. Next, their hands they would slap each other until tiring, sitting down and blowing their hands. Still, not changing in love. Finally they would beat each other with sticks, until falling down, then laughing together. Here Satan would become angry and run away. To be like this is the highest degree for love, and for Awliya; not changing in love, whatever is coming from people. This Tariqat teaches us to endure. If angry, it means, no real love in your heart. We must accept the faults of people, as we all have so many. We must be tolerant and compassionate.

The Love Naqshbandi Way

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